Bozen (BZ)
Conversion and energetic renovation of a former farmhouse in Bozen with ensemble protection
Client: Private

Arch Harald Kofler
Typology:residential building
Type of construction:mixed construction

The conversion and energetic renovation of the historic farmhouse, which adjoins the walls of a Monastery, was created in the area of tension between old and new, between the listed environment and modern design language.
The former farmhouse with living spaces and warehouses was to be converted into the new residence of the owners. The clients' wish was to retain the historical character of the farmhouse and combine it with a modern, contemporary architectural language and maximum living comfort.

The basic idea of the design was to preserve the historic external appearance of the farmhouse with its hipped roof and roofing of monk-nun tiles, plaster façade, coloured wooden windows and wooden shutters, and to characterize the few newly added building elements in a clear, modern architectural language.
The reduced selection of a few materials, the finely tuned colour concept and the linear and simple formal language made it possible to achieve a harmonious ensemble between the historical building fabric and contemporary architecture.

In its interior, the entire building, except for the load-bearing central axis, was completely hollowed out and redesigned. While the ground floor with its open space concept and flowing transitions between the light-flooded common areas was deliberately designed in a modern way with large, frameless window and door openings to the garden and monastery vineyard, the upper floor with its rooms and bathrooms adapts to the historic structure. Only in some areas were accents set through targeted views and façade openings.

Particular attention was paid to the selection of sustainable materials that are not harmful to health; all interior plasters were made of natural hydraulic lime NHL5, and to achieve the desired living comfort, the exterior walls were finished with a composite thermal insulation system made of calcium silicate, which is suited for building biology, and a lime wash plaster.
The heating system is an air-to-air heat pump in combination with a photovoltaic system installed on the roof.

The tasks of our planning office included not only the development of the architectural project, the construction details and the arch. site management, as well as the constant support and consultation of the clients in all matters and the coordination and constructive cooperation with the other planners involved in the construction process (interior planner ruralurban, lighting planner Lichtstudio, green space planner).

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