Jenesien, (BZ)
Renovation of the historic building
Client: Pfarrei Jenesien

Arch. Harald Kofler
Arch. Marco Ricca
Typology:residential building
Type of protection:heritage protection
Type of construction:mixed construction
Existing condition

The project involves the restoration of the facades and the internal restructuring of the Widum Jenesien, with the aim of adapting it to the needs of current life and restoring its historical characteristics.

The objective of the restructuring is to modify the internal layout of the plants in order to obtain apartments, suitable for hosting families and people in need.
The internal division of the floors takes into account the building typology on which the existing plan is based, based on a large central distribution corridor, born in the historismus period (1886-1888).
The position of the lift was determined by the need to keep the typological element of the central corridor intact and to preserve the shape of the roof as the existing one, keeping under the roof ridge.
The new walls planned at the end of the corridor will have a glazed transom that will make it possible to make the original depth and the original typological structure of the floor plans perceptible.
On the attic floor, in order to allow easier use of the spaces, the introduction of some dormer windows on the roof is planned which will be arranged in a symmetrical position and aligned with the underlying openings.

Currently the building has facades with aesthetic elements introduced in the 1970s including the eaves of the roof, the wooden cladding of the walls of the attic floor and the white plaster that hides the corner inserts of the previous era.
It is proposed to restore the building to its previous aesthetic characteristics, restoring to it the monumentality it had from the period in which it assumed the volumetric consistency of today, that is, in the period of historismus (1886/1888).
The facades of the project will be brought back to the historic color of the building, a reddish tone, restoring the cornerstones on the outer edges of a pale white color as well as the decorative frames around the windows that will be repeated in all the openings of all the elevations.
The color of the facade and the decorative elements around the openings and corners of the facades will be chosen and defined with the superintendency based on the essays carried out on the facade and the historical investigation.
A modification of the roof is foreseen, eliminating the increased overhang introduced in the 70s and thus enhancing the original clean and slender volume, while maintaining the existing roof covering made up of dark gray tiles.
The dormer windows on the roof will instead have a modern character with a more squared and linear shape, in contrast with the characters of the rest of the building, so that the different historical period of these architectural elements is clearly visible and recognizable.

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